Although less than at the presentations in december we received some helpful feedback. Most important was the further planning since we are at a crucial time in our thesis work. I myself have decided, in accordance with my supervisors, to delay my planning. This is because I have a couple of other courses that involve projects, and I will probably not get my thesis text finished in time. After all, if I have to rush it, not only the quality of both my implementation and thesis text will suffer from it, but also all the work for other courses. So here is my new planning:
- 26/04 - 02/05: thesis poster
- 03/05 - 09/05: adding KUL timetables to the application
- 10/05 - 16/05: adding KUL events to the application
- 17/05 - 23/05: pc room reservations, favorites
- 24:05 - 30/05: evaluation
- 31/05 - 30/06: exams
- 01/07 - 15/07: thesis text ch. 2 literature study
- 16/07 - 22/07: thesis text ch. 3 analysis
- 23/07 - 05/08: thesis text ch. 4 implementation
- 06/08 - 12/08: thesis text ch. 5 evaluation
- 13/08 - 19/08: thesis text ch. 1 intro + ch. 6 conclusion
The reason I take 2 weeks for chapter 2 is to anticipate on problems for getting started, don't knowing how to get started, what to write exactly. The reason for 2 weeks for chapter 4 is because that one will be a big chapter. Furthermore, the intro and conclusion are chapters that should grow throughout writing the other chapters. The deadline is 24/08 so I have foreseen a couple of days at the end for adjusting the final text. Off course, I will try to finish the text faster than according to this planning.