donderdag 28 oktober 2010


Related to my previous post, I went to look at some good note taking apps.
I especially searched for one which had good sync and sharing features.
Simplenote seems one of the best apps that provides both.

First, file (or 'note') synchronization is done. The app keeps an online version of your notes.
These notes are accessible with any browser so you can make changes on the notes at home on your desktop, laptop, etc... All versions will stay synchronized.

Notice the 'Web Syncing' option

Second, the app supports sharing. Notes can be easily be shared by e-mail, by publishing them as web pages, and you can even invite other Simplenote users for collaboration.
This would be very handy for students that have missed some classes for various reasons, or just to collaborate with your colleagues.

Example of a shared note (the wi-fi icon)

Off course, this app would have to be adjusted so that also the slides (see previuos post) are viewable.

Some reviews of the Simplenote app:

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