dinsdag 19 oktober 2010


I have found an interesting mobile learning application on the internet, ActiveCampus.
Main site: http://activecampus.ucsd.edu/

ActiveCampus consists of two 'seperate' applications: ActiveClass and ActiveCampus Explorer.
ActiveClass is an application that enables students to anonymously ask text questions, answer polls, and give the professor feedback on the class, all of this while being in the classroom.

Example of a question list in ActiveClass

ActiveCampus Explorer is an application that, as its main purpose, shows a map of the school campus.
On this map the user can see nearby friends, potential colleagues, departments, labs and interesting events.
Left: nearby graffiti tags
Right: ActiveCampus Explorer map

ActiveCampus was developed at the University of California, San Diego in 2003.
At that time smartphones did not exist yet so the application was developed for PDAs.
To see how I can further exploit the new features that smartphones give us, I will do some more research and try to find some extra functions I could add to the above application.

Read the following papers about ActiveCampus design, implementation and test results: 

ActiveCampus - Sustaining Educational Communities through Mobile Technology? - William G. Griswold, Robert Boyer, Steven W. Brown, Tan Minh Truong, Ezekiel Bhasker, Gregory R. Jay, R. Benjamin Shapiro. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0114

ActiveCampus - Experiments in Community-Oriented Ubiquitous Computing - William G. Griswold, Patricia Shanahan, Steven W. Brown, Robert T. Boyer. Department of Computer Science & Engineering, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0114

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