As I posted in my previous blog, I was intending to finish the evaluation of the second paper prototype. But due to a cold I wasn't able to meet up with some of the test persons. So I have decided to delay the evaluation until after I've had my last exam.
At the moment I am studying for exams so I am not doing that much for my thesis right now.
Here's something though, I still had to post on this blog:
About a month ago, december 15th to be exactly, the faculty of engineering had a demo day at their department.
I went there to look at some projects made by the students whose major was computer science.
This was extremely helpful and interesting since their project consisted of making Mobile Toledo for smartphones.
The ideas and features behind these apps were much in line with my own. For example, each of the groups (there were 3) implemented the ability to search for some building, display it on a map, and some could ask for directions.
One also had the ability to ask questions to the teacher or reverse, the teacher asking questions to the students. (this is in line my classroom app idea, but I'm not going to do this, since I choose for campus app)
The apps on overall looked quite good, although the interaction felt quite clumsy. Off course they were still just prototypes and they probably didn't do a proper evaluation. But as I said, overall looked quite good.
I've read the blogs of the groups, and had a look at the wiki for the course. I don't think this will help me any further for my thesis, but it was very interesting going to the demo day, I enjoyed myself there!
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